<style> table th:first-of-type { width: 15%; } table th:nth-of-type(2) { width: 20%; } table th:nth-of-type(3) { width: 10%; } table th:nth-of-type(4) { width: 55%; } </style>
Param | Domain | Default | Description |
ntw_topo | 0, (2-7) | 2 | Used to define the topology of the underlying network of assets. This should be an integer linked to the GraphModel enum as follows: 2 . RING, 3 . COMPLETE, 4 . GRID, 5 . STAR, 6 . BARANDOM, 7 . WSRANDOM, 0 . CUSTOM (The network and its topology is specified as an adjacency matrix in the CSV file whose name is indicated in the param: ntw_csv_adj_matrix ) |
size | Int | 5 | When the network is randomly generated, it indicates the number of nodes. |
seed | Int > 0 | N/A | Random seed to use. |
n_steps | Int > 0 | 20 | Steps to run the simulation for. |
ctl_model | (0-7) | 1 | Topology to use for the control network from GraphModel enum. Same values as specified for ntw_topo , plus 1 : indicates centralised topology (single control agent). |
k | (0. - 1.) | 1 | If random topo for underlying network (ntw_topo != 0). K parameter to use in randomly generated underlying networks |
B | (0. - 1.) | 0.5 | If random topo for underlying network (ntw_topo != 0). B parameter to use in randomly generated underlying networks. |
ctl_k | (0. - 1.) | 1 | If random topo for control network (ctl_model != 0). K parameter to use in randomly generated control networks. |
ctl_B | (0. - 1.) | 0.5 | If random topo for control network (ctl_model != 0). B parameter to use in randomly generated control networks. |
ntw_csv_adj_matrix | String | N/A | If custom topo for underlying network (ntw_topo == 0), it sets the location of the CSV file containing the adjacency matrix for the underlying network topology. |
ctl_csv_adj_matrix | String | N/A | If custom topo for control network (ctl_model == 0), it sets the location of the CSV file containing the adjacency matrix for the control network topology. |
benchmark | Boolean | false | It activates benchmarks BenchmarkTools.jl for the run. Simulation takes longer when activated. |
out_to_file | Boolean | false | Sent sim output to a file. |
data_dir | String | N/A | When out_to_file == true , it sets the output data dir. |
–- | | | |
Param | Domain | Default | Description |
deterioration | NTuple | [ (rul,t,a) -> rul - a 0.0 ] | Deterioration parameters for network assets. This parameter is used by the deteriorate! function in the physical_model module. This is a NTuple where first element is a function and the other elements are the values of any constant used. The function has at least three arguments, current remaining useful life of the asset (rul ) and current tick (t ), which are taken from the simulation model. The other parameter a is an arbitrary constant, whose value is defined as the second element of the NTuple . Additional arguments can be added to the function and their values specified as additional elements of the NTuple . |
prediction | NTuple | [ (rul,t,a) -> rul - a 0.0 ] | Function used to predict rul of the assets. Default equal to deterioration. |
mnt_policy | Int | 0 | Maintenance policy used in the simulation. 0 : Corrective, 1 : Preventive, 2 : Custom/Optimal |
mnt_wc_duration | Int > 0 | 0 | Worst case duration of the maintenance operations (ticks) |
mnt_bc_duration | Int > 0 | Best case duration of the maintenance operations (ticks) | |
mnt_wc_cost | Float > 0. | 0 | Worst case costs of maintenance operations (££). |
mnt_bc_cost | Float > 0. | 0 | Best case costs of maintenance operations (££). |
deterioration_threshold | (0. - 1.) | 0.1 | Threshold for deterioration of assets i.e. assets will drop when RUL reaches this. |
Param | Domain/Type | Default | Description |
ntw_services | Vector[Tuple(Int,Int)] | [] | List of pairs of nodes of the underlying network where the traffic is flowing. e.g. [(3,7),(8,2)] indicates that 2 services are running in the underlying network. First service implies there is traffic flowing between assets 3 and 7 . Second service, traffic flowing between 8 and 2 . |
traffic_dist_params | Vector[Float,Float] | [1.0, 0.05] | Distribution params (mean, std) for traffic generation. |
traffic_packets | Int > 0 | 400 | Magnitude No. of packets for traffic generation. |
link_capacity | Int > 0 | 400 | Link Capacity/Bandwidth per tick (Packets) |
interval_tpt | Int > 0 | 10 | Ticks used for throughput calculation. |
pkt_size | Int > 0 | 1 | Packet size for throughput calculations. |
pkt_per_tick | Int > 0 | 2000 | Default packet processing capacity for all nodes. |
capacity_factor | Float > 0. | 1.2 | default capacity factor of packets processed per tick |
max_queue_ne | Int > 0 | 300 | Queue size for each node of the underlying network (Packets) |
Param | Domain/Type | Default | Description |
prob_random_walks | Float > 0. | . | For distributed control. Probability of neighbour nodes to propagate query msgs when discovering/learning underlying network. |
clear_cache_graph_freq | Int > 0 | 50 | frequency for clearing cache of learned graphs by control agents to avoid large outdated graphs. |
max_msg_live | Int > 0 | 5 | Max ticks a control message is live in the simulation. |
ofmsg_reattempt | Int > 0 | 10 | Frequency for re-attempting un-responded OpenFlow-like messages |
max_cache_paths | Int > 0 | 2 | Max quantity of paths to store in the control agent cache. |
Param | Domain/Type | Default | Description |
drop_proportion | Float >= 0. | 0. | Proportion of nodes that will drop from the network |
drop_stabilisation | Int > 0 | 10 | ticks to wait at the end of simulation after the last node has been dropped. |
Param | Domain/Type | Default | Description |
init_sne_params | (ids=[],ruls=[], deterioration=[],capacity_factor=[],mnt_policy=[],prediction=[]) | N/A | List of node ids and their specific initial parameters. e.g. (ids=[15,19],ruls=[1,0.7],deterioration=[0.2,0.001],capacity_factor=[1.2,5]) . This indicates that for node 15 , the starting RUL (Remaining Useful Life) will be 1. , the deterioration parameter is 0.2 and the packet capacity is 1.2x (pktpertick) . Likewise, for node 19 , starting RUL is 0.7 , deterioration 0.001 and capacity factor 5x (pktpertick). |
init_link_params | (ids=[],capacities=[]) | N/A | List of links (node pairs) and their specific initial parameters. e.g. (ids=[(15,17),(8,9)],capacities=[200,400]) . Setting a capacity of 200 packets per tick for link 15-17 and 400 packets per tick for link 8-9 . |