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NAssets Simulation Parameters


ntw_topo0, (2-7)2Used to define the topology of the underlying network of assets. This should be an integer linked to the GraphModel enum as follows: 2. RING, 3. COMPLETE, 4. GRID, 5. STAR, 6. BARANDOM, 7. WSRANDOM, 0. CUSTOM (The network and its topology is specified as an adjacency matrix in the CSV file whose name is indicated in the param: ntw_csv_adj_matrix)
sizeInt5When the network is randomly generated, it indicates the number of nodes.
seedInt > 0N/ARandom seed to use.
n_stepsInt > 020Steps to run the simulation for.
ctl_model(0-7)1Topology to use for the control network from GraphModel enum. Same values as specified for ntw_topo, plus 1: indicates centralised topology (single control agent).
k(0. - 1.)1If random topo for underlying network (ntw_topo != 0). K parameter to use in randomly generated underlying networks
B(0. - 1.)0.5If random topo for underlying network (ntw_topo != 0). B parameter to use in randomly generated underlying networks.
ctl_k(0. - 1.)1If random topo for control network (ctl_model != 0). K parameter to use in randomly generated control networks.
ctl_B(0. - 1.)0.5If random topo for control network (ctl_model != 0). B parameter to use in randomly generated control networks.
ntw_csv_adj_matrixStringN/AIf custom topo for underlying network (ntw_topo == 0), it sets the location of the CSV file containing the adjacency matrix for the underlying network topology.
ctl_csv_adj_matrixStringN/AIf custom topo for control network (ctl_model == 0), it sets the location of the CSV file containing the adjacency matrix for the control network topology.
benchmarkBooleanfalseIt activates benchmarks BenchmarkTools.jl for the run. Simulation takes longer when activated.
out_to_fileBooleanfalseSent sim output to a file.
data_dirStringN/AWhen out_to_file == true, it sets the output data dir.

Asset Maintenance Params

deteriorationNTuple[ (rul,t,a) -> rul - a 0.0 ]Deterioration parameters for network assets. This parameter is used by the deteriorate! function in the physical_model module. This is a NTuple where first element is a function and the other elements are the values of any constant used. The function has at least three arguments, current remaining useful life of the asset (rul) and current tick (t), which are taken from the simulation model. The other parameter a is an arbitrary constant, whose value is defined as the second element of the NTuple. Additional arguments can be added to the function and their values specified as additional elements of the NTuple.
predictionNTuple[ (rul,t,a) -> rul - a 0.0 ]Function used to predict rul of the assets. Default equal to deterioration.
mnt_policyInt0Maintenance policy used in the simulation. 0: Corrective, 1: Preventive, 2: Custom/Optimal
mnt_wc_durationInt > 00Worst case duration of the maintenance operations (ticks)
mnt_bc_durationInt > 0Best case duration of the maintenance operations (ticks)
mnt_wc_costFloat > 0.0Worst case costs of maintenance operations (££).
mnt_bc_costFloat > 0.0Best case costs of maintenance operations (££).
deterioration_threshold(0. - 1.)0.1Threshold for deterioration of assets i.e. assets will drop when RUL reaches this.

Underlying Network & Traffic Params

ntw_servicesVector[Tuple(Int,Int)][]List of pairs of nodes of the underlying network where the traffic is flowing. e.g. [(3,7),(8,2)] indicates that 2 services are running in the underlying network. First service implies there is traffic flowing between assets 3 and 7. Second service, traffic flowing between 8 and 2.
traffic_dist_paramsVector[Float,Float][1.0, 0.05]Distribution params (mean, std) for traffic generation.
traffic_packetsInt > 0400Magnitude No. of packets for traffic generation.
link_capacityInt > 0400Link Capacity/Bandwidth per tick (Packets)
interval_tptInt > 010Ticks used for throughput calculation.
pkt_sizeInt > 01Packet size for throughput calculations.
pkt_per_tickInt > 02000Default packet processing capacity for all nodes.
capacity_factorFloat > 0.1.2default capacity factor of packets processed per tick
max_queue_neInt > 0300Queue size for each node of the underlying network (Packets)

Control params

prob_random_walksFloat > 0..For distributed control. Probability of neighbour nodes to propagate query msgs when discovering/learning underlying network.
clear_cache_graph_freqInt > 050frequency for clearing cache of learned graphs by control agents to avoid large outdated graphs.
max_msg_liveInt > 05Max ticks a control message is live in the simulation.
ofmsg_reattemptInt > 010Frequency for re-attempting un-responded OpenFlow-like messages
max_cache_pathsInt > 02Max quantity of paths to store in the control agent cache.

Event Simulation

drop_proportionFloat >= 0.0.Proportion of nodes that will drop from the network
drop_stabilisationInt > 010ticks to wait at the end of simulation after the last node has been dropped.

Further customisation

init_sne_params(ids=[],ruls=[], deterioration=[],capacity_factor=[],mnt_policy=[],prediction=[])N/AList of node ids and their specific initial parameters. e.g. (ids=[15,19],ruls=[1,0.7],deterioration=[0.2,0.001],capacity_factor=[1.2,5]). This indicates that for node 15, the starting RUL (Remaining Useful Life) will be 1., the deterioration parameter is 0.2 and the packet capacity is 1.2x (pktpertick) . Likewise, for node 19, starting RUL is 0.7, deterioration 0.001 and capacity factor 5x (pktpertick).
init_link_params(ids=[],capacities=[])N/AList of links (node pairs) and their specific initial parameters. e.g. (ids=[(15,17),(8,9)],capacities=[200,400]). Setting a capacity of 200 packets per tick for link 15-17 and 400 packets per tick for link 8-9.